Over 200 people were in attendance for the Steve Bean Youth Art Show Awards at the Okefenokee Heritage Center.  Students were honored for their contributions and creativity.  “Art Education helps students with math and science skills, increases test scores, and increases the likelihood they will graduate from college or vocational school,” Executive Director Elizabeth Simpson said.

Awards were given in sculpture, painting, and framed or canvased pieces.  
Award recipients include:


1st. Jake Crawford Ware County Middle School

2nd. Andi Hanson Ware County Middle School

Honorable Mention Jake Bennett Ware County Middle School


1st. Aryn Broadmax Ware County Middle School

2nd. Aniya Pain Pierce County Middle School

Honorable Mention Lucy Booth Ware County Middle School

Honorable Mention Lillith Williams Pierce County Middle School

Honorable Mention Lauren Fey Pierce County Middle School

Honorable Mention Jaida Smith Pierce County Middle School

Framed and Canvas:

1st. Seth Stipe Pierce County Middle School

2nd. Drew Mattox Pierce County Home School

Honorable Mention Mabry Rigdon Ware County High School

Honorable Mention Emily Arnold Pierce County High School

Honorable Mention Ellie Mattox Pierce County Homeschool

Best in Show:

Meredith Youngblood Ware County Homeschool

The show will be on display until the end of April.  The Heritage Center would like to thank all of the students, families, and teachers that participated and made this wonderful event possible.  Students can sign up for the summer theater and art camps starting March 15th.  For more information email [email protected] or call 912-285-4260.

As posted in March 4, 2019 

The Steve Bean Youth Art Show.

The Okefenokee Heritage Center is proud to announce the Steve Bean Youth Art Show Awards on March 10th at 2:30 PM at the Okefenokee Heritage Center 1460 N. Augusta Ave. Waycross, GA. This awards assembly will honor our student winners in our annual Steve Bean Youth Art Show contest. It is free and open to the public. Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

The late Steve Bean was the Arts Coordinator for the Okefenokee Heritage Center for over a decade. He attended Appalachian State University where he received a Bachelors Degree in Art Marketing. Steve made art since he was a child and works in many areas of art, from painting and sculpture to theater and graphic design. Bean’s passion for youth art was to allow students to express themselves and apply theories of art education which increases matriculation into higher education, higher test scores, and more prestigious career development. We are proud to host this opportunity for our youth in his honor.

Hundreds of pieces of beautiful art adorn the gallery of the Okefenokee Heritage Center until April 28th. We invite you to take the time to see the hard work of these talented artists and their teachers at the Okefenokee Heritage Center.

As posted in February 15, 2019

The Okefenokee Heritage Center is currently accepting art pieces for the Steve Bean Youth Art Show. The Steve Bean Youth Art Show deadline is February 28th at 2 PM. All Art should either be placed on a piece of construction paper to look like it has been matted or contain a professional matte around it. All types of art including three-dimensional, pencil, marker, crayon, painting, etc. may be submitted. Entrants must be aged 5-18 and should include a business size card that should be taped to the bottom right corner of the piece with the child’s name, age, and school. Sizes are usually 8 1/2 x 11 without counting the one inch matting, however there are no specific guidelines on sizes if someone wanted to make a larger or smaller piece. Students in 6th grade and up will compete for awards from our art guild and all elementary students will be given a certificate of honor. Pick up will be the beginning of April with more information to follow at the reception and awards ceremony March 10th at 2:30 pm. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us at the Heritage Center. 912.285.4260.

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The Steve Bean Youth Art Show

Over 200 people were in attendance for the Steve Bean Youth Art Show Awards at the Okefenokee Heritage Center.  Students were honored for their contributions and creativity.  “Art Education helps students with math and science skills, increases test scores, and...