March 2018
Presidents Message
I am experiencing an overall attitude of “The Lone Ranger” in the photography community in the Southern Georgia area and I am not fond of it. Thats why we need to stick together. I attended a free seminar in Jacksonville this past Tuesday at the Jacksonville Professional Photographers Guild with around 90 photographers and was reminded that there can exist a community of people who gather for a common goal.
They are there to draw from each other and to give back. I was a part of that guild before moving to Georgia and wonder why it is different here. I am looking to possibly join again and also check out some other gatherings in the area. Wouldn’t you like to come? I hope so.

Find out more in our Newsletter, click the link below:

June’s Guest Speaker

June 2018
Presidents Message
Our Guest speaker for June is Ken Moran, with the subject of Let’s Paint with Light
I look forward to seeing you all there.

OHC Photography Guild Newsletter

March 2018
Presidents Message
I am experiencing an overall attitude of “The Lone Ranger” in the photography community in the Southern Georgia area and I am not fond of it. Thats why we need to stick together.